Kosy the Kissing Puppy
Kosy loves being with her best human friend and giving cute puppy kisses. Like a real puppy her eyes open and close and her head magically moves! Kosy wants to know everything about you. Press her paw buttons to tell her your favourite things and to sing together and she repeats what you say. Boop her nose for a sweet surprise!
Myla the Blush and Bloom Unicorn
Hi, I'm Myla the Blush and Bloom Unicorn! Use my magical wand to apply a colour to my horn, eyes and wings and watch them magically light up! Blow me a kiss and watch the flower in my mane light up. When it's time to rest, tuck my legs under and we can share our dreams!
Hope the Rainbow Husky
Translate Hope's barks through her magic stethoscope! Hold it to her chest to understand what she needs you to do! Use her accessories to make sure she gets what she needs.