If you are having problems creating an account, registering your InnoTab, or downloading applications, you may need to download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player for
OTHER BROWSERS.Flash Player 11 has separated Flash Player for Internet Explorer and Other Browsers. The Learning Lodge requires Flash Player to be downloaded for
OTHER BROWSERS. Therefore although you may have the latest flash version for Internet explorer, the Learning Lodge requires a different flash player.
In order to update your Flash Player to be compatible with the Learning Lodge, you will need to visit this link:
- Then select ‘Do you have a different language or operating system?’
- (or go to
- Select your operating system for Step 1
- Select Other Browsers for Step 2
- Download Flash Player
- Install Flash Player, restart your computer, connect the InnoTab using the USB cable and allow the Learning Lodge to start itself.
Following this, the Learning Lodge should run smoothly. If you continue to have problems after following the instructions above, please contact our
Consumer Services Department on 0330 678 0149 or by email on and they will be able to assist you further.
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