What activities are pre-loaded onto the InnoTab?
original InnoTab comes pre-loaded with one e-book (What’s That Noise?), two learning games (Ice Escape and Pinball Letters) and two creative activities (Colour & Pop and Art Studio), along with a music player, video player, photo viewer, organizer, notebook and calculator.
On purchasing the original InnoTab you will receive three free V-coins which enable you to download three applications, free of charge from the Learning Lodge. Following this, additional applications are available to download for just ?2.99. These include e-books, games and other activities such as the Globe application.
The InnoTab 2 comes with one Games cartridge (this will need to be unlocked by putting the cartridge in the InnoTab 2, then plugging it in to the Learning Lodge) which includes three apps (What's That Noise? - e-book, Alien Rescue - Game, Colour and Pop - Activity).
The 12 other pre-installed apps on the InnoTab 2 include one game (Face Race), an e-reader, art studio, camera, video recorder, calculator, note pad, calendar, music player, friends list, photo gallery, and video gallery.
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