Dear Loyal Customer,
VTech products and services continually advance and evolve to meet global demands and to offer you the best features. In order to maintain industry-leading standards on our products we regularly release firmware updates that keep the products updated and you protected.
We would like to advise you that we can no longer support the firmware updates on our first-generation remote Baby Monitor model BM6000 and will discontinue the remote monitoring services and support from 5th July 2022.
From that date, your BM6000 Baby Monitor product will continue to operate as a local monitor; however, the MyVTech Baby app, push notifications, and related services will no longer function.
We want to ensure that you continue to be able to use all of the product features and services and would therefore like to give you the option of replacing your current BM6000 Baby Monitor with the new, latest model. Select link here which outlines the transition process and options available.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause and encourage you to contact the VTech customer support team if you have any questions.
Thank You,
The VTech Team