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16 manual(s) found for
Dancing Monkey Piano
Features a guitar, drum, keyboard and microphone so children can play, sing and learn. The monkey dances when the guitar is moved.
Dart the Triceratops
I’m Dart the Triceratops. Charge my wheels and watch me race! Stay out of my way, or I’ll bowl you over!
Dash the T-Rex
Remote control T-Rex that automatically switches between a T-Rex and racer! Buttons activate phrases, dinosaur facts, sounds and automatic switching.
Defender the Velociraptor
2-in-1 which switches between a Velociraptor and Robot! LCD screen displays animations! Action Button moves legs and arms! Hear fun phrases and cool dinosaur facts!
DigiArt Colour by Lights
Interactive white board teaches how to draw and colour over 70 shapes and objects step-by-step through fun activities! Includes 6 crayons, 50 activity pages and more.
DigiArt Squiggles & Sounds
Interactive spiral art board recognises 4 animal stencils, triggering fun responses, music and poems. Includes; 5 gears, 1 pen and storage for gears and stencils.
DigiGo - Blue
Smart device lets children stay in touch with their parent’s smartphones using the included Kid Connect app. Also download apps, games, e-books, videos and music from VTech’s Learning Lodge.
DigiGo - Pink
Smart device lets children stay in touch with their parent’s smartphones using the included Kid Connect app. Also download apps, games, e-books, videos and music from VTech’s Learning Lodge.
Discover & Learn Big Book of Boo Boo's
Interact with the 10 touch sensitive pages to learn words, letters, beginning letters and music. Features over 40 fun sounds and 15 melodies.
Discovery Activity Tree
Drop the balls into the tree and they will count along! Features a spiral track, trigger pedal, spinning water wheel and 4 apple buttons.
Discovery Tree
Interactive activity centre packed with fun over 5 different play zones! Introduces colours, phonics, animals, shapes, fruit, numbers and music.
Discovery Zebra Laptop
Learn about Shapes, Colours, Letters, Numbers with the Discovery Zebra Laptop. Roll the spinner and move the mouse for pretend role-play fun.
DJ Beat Boxer
Stroke and play music with me, the pawsome DJ Beat Boxer!
Drill & Learn Toolbox
Toolbox with carry handle, 3 light up buttons, drill, screwdriver, spanner, hammer, 12 play pieces, 3 game modes and project guide.
Drill & Learn Toolbox
Toolbox with carry handle, 3 light up buttons, drill, screwdriver, spanner, hammer, 12 play pieces, 3 game modes and project guide.
Drive & Discover Baby Keys
Press the three colourful buttons or shake the keys to hear fun songs, cute phrases and music. Keys feature beads, spinning disk, spinners and mirror for self-discovery!