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16 manual(s) found for "G" .

Gabby’s Dollhouse A Meow-Zing Phone

Let’s chat with Gabby! Voice activation lets children chat with Gabby and Pandy Paws for interactive pretend play. Change the ringtone, brightness and more, just like a real phone. Play four meow-maz

Gabby's Dollhouse MerCat & Me On-the-Go

Includes 4 built-in meow-zing games! Make 12 fantastic potions! Clip MerCat onto your bag and take her everywhere!

Gabby’s Dollhouse Pandy Paws’ Paw-Tastic Watch

Cute wristwatch featuring Pandy Paws includes ten themed digital clock faces, stopwatch, timer, alarm clock and four games that introduce shapes, numbers and more. Meowzers!

Gabby's Dollhouse Story Tails With Gabby

Cuddle up and listen to four delightful tales featuring Gabby & friends. Animated lights set the mood for story time.

Gabby's Dollhouse Time to Get Tiny Watch

Gabby wristwatch includes ten digital clock faces, interactive time tools and four games that introduce shapes, numbers and more.

Gadget the Learning Robot

Learn letters, counting, shapes, animals, and seasons. Watch Gadget dance! Includes 3 double sided cards with 6 different games to play.

Gadget the Robot

Learn all about letters, numbers, objects and more with this cool robot friend. Includes 26 letter/object chips and 4 funny chips.

Gearzooz Gear Up & Go Activity Table

Gear activity table with 5 modes of play includes 3 animal gears and 12 dummy gears. Introduces animals, colours, instruments, music al notes and more.

GearZooz Gear Up & Go Gearaffe

Mix and match the 10 gears for creativity, fun play and problem solving. Introduces animals and their sounds, melodies and songs.

Gearzooz Gear Up & Go Lion

Lion reads stories about his gear friends and tells Lion facts. Includes gear friend Mouse, 1 Smart Pole, 3 sing-along songs and a handle gear to turn the animals.

GearZooz Gear Up & Go Train

Mix and match the 15 gears. Gears introduce creativity, fun play and problem solving. Includes animal sounds, melodies and songs.

Genio MAX My First Laptop

With a 7” colour screen, the Genio MAX laptop includes a word processor, diary, clock, calendar apps and built-in games.

Genio My First Laptop

Packed with 80+ activities and games to play using the real mouse and QWERTY keyboard. Includes word processor, 20 printable Revision Sheets & kid-friendly web browser.

Giggle & Go Snail

On the go snail toy, attaches to prams and more. Pull the handle to spin the light up shell and hear responses for sensory development.

Glitter Me Kitty

Add some sparkle to your day by stroking kitties head so she can place a glitter stamp on your hand to show you she loves you.

Grando the Giganotosaurus

Grando is a big and ferocious meat eater! 2-in-1: switches between a dinosaur and car. Buttons play phrases, facts and sounds.

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