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8 manual(s) found for
Hello Hippo Phone
Press the squishy light up buttons to hear numbers, colours & words. Light up heart plays songs and melodies while Hippo’s nose triggers greetings and cute phrases!
Hello Hippo Phone pink
Press the squishy light up buttons to hear numbers, colours & words. Light up heart plays songs and melodies while Hippo’s nose triggers greetings and cute phrases!
Hello Kitty 2-in-1 Playmat Cube
Cute playmat transforms to interactive fabric cube. Colourful illustrations attach baby whilst they listen to melodies, songs, words and phrases.
Hello Kitty Pour & Play Watering Can
Whether in the garden or in the bath your child will be stimulated and entertained as they pour and play with Hello Kitty. Friendly phrases, sounds, songs and cheerful music are playe
Hide and Peek Soft Book
Feel and discover the sensory, tactile elements of the 6 soft pages. Press bear’s heart button to play phrases, songs and music.
Hop-a-Roo Kangaroo
This adorable Kangaroo hops across the floor and encourages your little one to move with them. Includes 3 fun sing-along songs and 10 uplifting melodies.
Hope the Rainbow Husky
Translate Hope’s barks through her magic stethoscope! Hold it to her chest to understand what she needs you to do! Use her accessories to make sure she gets what she needs.
Horns the Triceratops
Horns the Triceratops is strong and tough! 2-in-1: switches between a dinosaur and car. Buttons play phrases, facts and sounds.