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15 manual(s) found for
Race-Along Bear
Race car with press down bear. Press the bear to see the race car zoom! Twistable race flag! 2 buttons play songs, melodies, phrases and more!
Rainbow Lights Axolotl
Axolotl with 3 songs and 15 melodies. Features light up heart button and 3 press buttons for phases and music.
Rattle & Roar Tiger
Shake to trigger fun responses, see Tiger’s heart light up and the beads bounce. Includes 3 sing-along songs and 15 melodies.
Rattle & Roll Racer
Shake the driver to start the engine! 2 buttons teach stop and go. Includes 10 melodies and 6 sing-along songs.
Rattle & Shake Birdie
Learn and sing with the Rattle & Shake Birdie by VTech®!
Ready to Race Lightning McQueen
Includes fun animations, sound effects, driving panel, character dial, steering wheel and control panel buttons. Introduces beginning letters, counting, logic and memory.
Ride & Go Recycling Truck
Recycling Truck made from 90% reclaimed plastic. Encourages recycling role-play through colour-coded shape sorting, interactive responses! Features rewarding phrases and songs!
Ring Ring Phone
Let’s play and chat with Bluey and Bingo while watching animations of the characters on screen.
Riot the T-Rex
Remote controlled 2-in-1 which switches between a T-Rex and Race Car! Backlit screen displays animations! Plays fun phrases, cool dinosaur facts and lively sound effects!
Roar & Explore Wheel
Let`s go on a roaring journey!
Rock and Roll Bear
Press the heart, bee or honey pot button to hear fun phrases, 3 sing-along songs, 12 melodies and fun sounds.
Rocking, Rolling Cody
Cody will teach numbers and instruments and play funny sound effects when he is given a little push! Includes 10 melodies and 3 songs
Rock & Ride Unicorn
Come on a magical adventure! The light up buttons introduces the unicorn itself and colours. The motion sensor plays sounds. 3 sing-along songs and 10 melodies.
Rock & Roll Radio
Rock and roll on the go! Turn dials, press buttons and watch flashing lights! Learn about musical instruments whilst enjoying lots of melodies.
Rush the Velociraptor
2-in-1 Velociraptor which switches into a high tech aircraft! See cool animations on the backlit LCD screen! Pull the wing triggers to launch spinning discs!