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8 manual(s) found for
Wackadoo Watch - Bingo
Let’s play with Bluey, Bingo and the Wackadoo Watch!
Wackadoo Watch - Bluey
Let’s play with Bluey, Bingo and the Wackadoo Watch!
Walk & Wiggle Pup
Shake puppy`s toy to see his tricks, hear puppy sounds and melodies. Also teaches numbers and shapes and includes 3 sing-along songs and 15 melodies.
Walk & Woof Puppy
Pull or push puppy to see puppy wobble and walk! Press buttons trigger phrases, sounds, songs and melodies. Puppy's ears move!
Wiggle & Jiggle Fishing Fun
Reel in the animals to watch them wiggle and jiggle, then learn animal facts, colours and numbers before releasing them again! Each sea creature sings songs and the rod plays lots of fun melodies!
Wind & Go Turtle
Pull the baby turtle to wind the toy up & watch the turtles swim in a circle! Press the light up heart button to trigger phrases and sounds.
Wing the Pteranodon
Wing the Pteranodon loves to fly high! 2-in-1: switches between a dinosaur and car. Buttons play phrases, facts and sounds.
Write & Race Lightning McQueen
Learn to write letters and numbers stroke-by-stroke through 5 fun activities. trace the lights and play with your favourite Cars 3 characters!