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5 manual(s) found for "Z" .

Zipp the T-Rex

Kapow! I’m Zipp the T-Rex and no one can race faster than me! Charge my wheels and watch me go!

ZoomiZooz Alligator

Press Alligator’s head to see Bird jump, slide and tumble down alligator's tail! Place Bird on the Magic ZoomiZone to magically hear fun phrases and characteristics!

ZoomiZooz Animal Train

Place the ZoomiZooz on the Magic ZoomiZone to hear them introduce themselves! Press the funnel to bounce them onto the wagon then push the train to see them wobble and roll!

ZoomiZooz Swing

Press the launcher to see hippo jump onto the swing! Swing the swing to see hippo jump out and tumble around! Place on the Magic ZoomiZone to hear fun phrases!

ZoomiZooz Waterpark

Tumble the Zoomizooz® down the waterfall, over the stingray or up in the turtle lift! Magic ZoomiZone magically recognises and introduces the 3 exclusive Zoomizooz!

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